Published : 2024-06-26

Identity and Mission of a Catholic Law School


The aim of the article is to propose to the staff of faculties and institutes of law, affiliated with Catholic universities in Poland, to start a debate on what is the determinant and implication of identity and what are the constitutive elements of the mission of Catholic law schools, as well as how to communicate and implement this mission in contemporary Polish and European social environment. The study includes references to canon law norms, but more importantly to Polish and American experiences in the provision of legal education at Catholic universities.


Catholic law school, legal education, legal sciences, law faculty mission statement, Catholic university





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Ciepły, F. (2024). Identity and Mission of a Catholic Law School. Kościół I Prawo, 13(1), 119–134.

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Kościół i Prawo · ISSN 0208-7928 · e-ISSN 2544-5804 · DOI: 10.18290/kip

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