Data publikacji : 2025-01-31

The Perceived Stress and Psychological Resilience: The Serial Mediation of Cognitive Control and Cognitive Flexibility


The present study aims to investigate the mediator role of  cognitive control and cognitive flexi­bility in the relationship between university students’ perceived stress and their psychological resilience during COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 405 university students. The findings showed that perceived stress indirectly via cognitive control and cognitive flexibility effects psychological resilience of university students during pandemic. Cognitive control and cognitive flexibility mediates the relationship. The negative effect of perceived stress on cogni­tive control and cognitive flexibility caused a decrease in students’ psychological resilience. The cognitive flexibility has a positive effect on university students’ psychological resilience. Inter­ventions and techniques for stress management can support cognitive control and cognitive flexi­bility of young people under high stress, this may contribute to increasing psychological resili­ence of them. Implications for intervention are discussed.





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