About TN KUL

The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) was established in 1934 as a academic-publishing institution legally separate, but complementary to the University. It is active both in the territory of Poland and abroad. It occupies one of the top places among the institutions working in the academic field. At present it has more than 700 members.
The aim of the Society is, in accordance with its Statute, academic work in conformity with the profile of the Catholic University of Lublin. The academic work of the Society is done within seven faculties: Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Off-Campus Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences. Annually the Board of the Society awards the Reverend Idzi Radziszewski Prize (Rev. Idzi Radziszewski was the founder of the KUL) for “outstanding academic achievements in the spirit of Christian humanism”.
The Learned Society of the KUL has published over 3000 titles; it has been publishing Encyklopedia Katolicka and book series (e.g. “Studia Polonijne”, “Studies in Logic”). “Roczniki Humanistyczne”, “Studia Norwidiana” and “Przegląd Psychologiczny” are included in the ERIH. Faculties of the Society publish the highly appraised specialist “Roczniki”.
The Society receives research grants from the National Science Centre in Krakow and grants for publishing from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Additionally it carries out projects within the National Programme for the Development of Humanities (inter alia: completing the editing of Encyklopedia Katolicka, publishing a critical edition of “Dzieła wszystkie C. Norwida”).

Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Al. Racławickie 8 lok. 16,
20-023 Lublin
e-mail: tnkul@tnkul.pl
Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ul. Chopina 29/11
20-023 Lublin
tel.: 81 525 01 93, 524 31 77
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